Thank you to California State and Local Agencies
We recognize California’s leaders for the courageous steps they are taking now to protect the most vulnerable in our communities from Covid 19 and for their efforts to mitigate the economic hardships this crisis is already causing for Californians.
We also recognize researchers around the world for their work equipping policymakers with the information they need to make these difficult decisions. The path ahead will not be short or easy, but we agree with a recent USA Today column, written by 16 of the nation’s top health leaders, which concluded, “As a country, we can overcome this together.”
Jesse Rothstein, Till von Wachter, Evan White, and Janey Rountree on behalf of the entire California Policy Lab team.
Majority of LA Residents Worked Before Experiencing Homelessness
Three out of four Los Angeles residents who experienced homelessness had worked in California previously, according to a new CPL report. The report provides a clear picture of employment dynamics for people before, during, and after experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles, including that two-thirds of people worked in one of four industries. Read the report.
OpEd: We Need a National Paid-Leave Program for Workers Idled by the Coronavirus
A Washington Post OpEd co-authored by Jesse Rothstein (CPL’s Berkeley Faculty Director), explains why the federal government should fund a temporary, national paid-leave program to support the approximately 23 million workers who lack paid leave benefits. On Wednesday, March 18th, the US Senate approved a House-passed bill to support workers impacted by Covid 19 which President Trump was expected to sign. The OpEd was co-authored with Jared Bernstein and is re-posted on UC Berkeley’s blog.
Career Opportunities at the California Policy Lab
CPL’s UCLA Office
Post-doctoral scholar focused on homelessness and housing
Data Scientist
Data Analyst (two positions)
CPL’s UC Berkeley Office
Summer Fellowship (for undergraduate, masters, and PhD students)
CPL is also hiring a Graduate Student Researcher to embed at the Franchise Tax Board in Rancho Cordova.
CPL Affiliated Faculty Expert Updates
We’re excited to share a few recent updates from CPL’s Affiliated Faculty Experts:
Hilary Hoynes (UC Berkeley) was recently appointed to Governor Newsom’s Council of Economic Advisors.
Rucker Johnson (UC Berkeley) and Michal Kurlaender (UC Davis) were both elected to the National Academy of Education.
Norweeta Milburn (UCLA) was quoted in a recent article focused on youth homelessness in Los Angeles and the importance of behavioral intervention programs for children who experienced trauma before or during their experiences of homelessness.
Jennifer Skeem (UC Berkeley) co-authored a paper “The limits of human predictions of recidivism” finding that algorithms are significantly more accurate than humans in predicting which defendants will later be arrested for a new crime.
Breaking Stereotypes: Study Finds Half of LA’s Homeless Recently Held Down A Job
In this KPCC interview, Till von Wachter explains how CPL’s new report disproves misconceptions about employment among people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles. Von Wachter was also interviewed by KNX and KFI News radio stations, and the report was also covered by CBS Los Angeles and the Sacramento Bee.