Background: The COVID-19 crisis has led to historically unprecedented increases in the level of initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims filed in California since the start of the crisis in mid-March. Through a partnership with the Labor Market Information Division of the California Employment Development Department, the California Policy Lab is analyzing daily initial UI claims to provide an in-depth and near real-time look at how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting various industries, regions, counties, and types of workers throughout California.
The Policy Briefs are updated on a monthly basis.
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Lost Wages Assistance Program Data Point
Published September 1, 2020
Overview: The “Lost Wages Assistance” (LWA) program provides grants to participating states in order to fund a $300 per week supplementary payment to individuals receiving unemployment insurance (UI) benefits, so long as they meet certain eligibility requirements. This Data Point provides an overview of the impact of the LWA program in California as well as policy considerations for any additional federal unemployment supports.
DATA POINT: Lost Wages Assistance Program will provide temporary support for California workers
PRESS RELEASE: Nearly 200,000 Unemployed Californians Will Miss Out on Extra $300 Benefit from President’s “Lost Wages Assistance” Program