Huizhi GongResearch Associate, Berkeley

Huizhi is passionate about developing advanced analytical solutions to facilitate data-driven research that can increase the impact of government programs. She works on multiple policy areas at CPL, including education, the social safety net, health, and criminal justice reform. Huizhi links, cleans, and analyzes large administrative datasets, helps design and implement rigorous research designs, and develops policy-relevant deliverables.
Huizhi is a devoted systems thinker, perceiving the world as a complex network of interconnected parts and processes. Her prior research and volunteering experiences have deepened her understanding of how singular issues, such as substance abuse, interlink with housing, employment, education, health, and criminal justice, forming intricate networks of reinforcement loops that significantly impact lives. She believes in the butterfly effect within this interconnected system, where alterations in one area can resonate throughout the entire system. Her role at CPL, where she’s involved in various policy areas, reflects this systems approach.
Huizhi holds an M.S. in Data Science for Public Policy from Georgetown University, and a B.S. in Mathematics and Finance from Northeastern University. Outside of work, she enjoys rock climbing, organizing feminism-themed Chinese standup comedy, listening to rock music, and spending time with her cat.