This project will create actionable evidence that can be used to improve Los Angeles County workforce development programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
Los Angeles County provides workforce services to improve skills and provide training to tens of thousands of clients each year through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). For local workforce agencies, WIOA is administered through Title I, which allocates resources through three distinct grants to support disadvantaged adults, dislocated workers, and youth. WIOA was first implemented in 2016 and was designed to strengthen the workforce development system through ongoing innovation and improvement of services. Los Angeles County Workforce Development, Aging, & Community Services (WDACS) is seeking to better understand the services provided, their effectiveness, and areas to improve service delivery. Â
Research Project
CPL is conducting a wide range of analyses of WIOA Title I services covering both participants and their program experience. CPL will use detailed administrative data collected by case workers during various stages of the program, including intake, enrollment, service provision, exit, and follow-up. The study will provide a descriptive analysis of the services provided by local workforce development boards, analyze participant outcomes, and identify opportunities for improving service delivery. The study will also analyze services that employers and businesses receive under WIOA, how this service utilization differs by industry, and the impact of these business services on business outcomes.
Research Team
Dr. Robert Santillano (Co-Principal Investigator) and Professor Till von Wachter (Co-Principal Investigator), Mary Yang, Anthony Papac