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Criminal Justice

Promoting Public Safety and Criminal Justice

Since 2011, California has embarked on a series of dramatic criminal justice reform efforts, from realignment to recent ballot initiatives and court cases that have changed the state’s approach to people convicted of nonviolent offenses and the structure of the pretrial process. These changes have coincided with a national conversation around the disparate impact of law enforcement on communities of color, as well as increased scrutiny of law enforcement, bail practices, and fees and fines. 

CPL partners with city, county, and state criminal justice agencies on projects focused on diversion, representation of arrestees, sentencing, corrections, community supervision, reentry programs, training, and crime prevention. As a nonpartisan and independent partner, CPL brings decades of expertise, advanced data analysis, and objective research and evaluation to help answer urgent questions. We help our criminal justice partners identify patterns, develop insights, and test new policies to help reduce recidivism, improve public safety, and advance racial equity for California.

In 2024, CPL launched its first Criminal Legal Research Advisory Board (RAB), with five inaugural advisors that are students at the University of California and members of the Underground Scholars Program, a support group for students with prior criminal legal system involvement. The RAB meets quarterly, and RAB members review current CPL research, and provide feedback on research findings, provide input on development and implementation of study methodology, and use their expertise to inform how research results are communicated.

Research Partner: California Committee on Revision of the Penal Code

Pretrial Reforms in California


Criminal Legal Representation

Other Research

Criminal Legal Research Advisory Board

Hosted criminal justice projects

Criminal-justice-focused projects that CPL has hosted are listed below:

Project NumberProject NameAll Team Members
2020-147 Adult Fines and Fees Jennifer Skeem, Luyi Jian, Miray Salman, Aldazia Green
2022-074 Predictors of Mental Health Serv Utiliz and Connections to Other Serv Lisa Abraham, George Zuo, Christine Mulhern
2022-228 Ban the Box ex-offender impressions Sandra Smith
2022-230 System-Impacted Residents of Sonoma County Jessie Harney, Raheem Chaudhry
2022-244 Suspicion and Police Decision Making Amanda Charbonneau, Hannah Laqueur, Jack Glaser, Danielle Sobol
2023-258 Juvenile Fees and Fines (Sacramento) Jennifer Skeem
2023-274 Effects of CalWorks on Recidivism Maria Ponce de Leon, Brian Knight
2023-281 CRPC - Domestic Violence Treatment Pilot Mia Bird, Viet Nguyen, Molly Pickard, Alissa Skog
2024-321 Evaluation of Ignition Interlock for DUIs Steve Raphael,Yotam Shem-Tov,TJ Hedin
2024-395 Housing the Homeless: Impact of RRH on Crime, Health, & Homelessness
2025-405 Intensive Services Foster Care Evaluation Project

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